Siddha Medicines

Auto-immune conditions, anxiety, sleep disorders, neuro-inflammation and immune disorders, sensory integration dysfunction, seizures, Gastritis, Oesophagitis, GERD, Asthma, Eczema, allergies, ear infections, respiratory infections, migraine headaches and allergy disorder including non IgE– mediated disorders and food intolerances are some of the few co-morbid conditions seen in Autism spectrum disorder.

Sudden changes in behaviour, aggression, loss of acquired skills, covering ears with hands, irritability, teeth grinding, walking on toes, oppositional behaviour, self-injurious behaviour, repetitive rocking, chewing on clothes or other objects are some of the behaviours which may indicate an underlying co-morbidity.

These co-morbid conditions can be best managed with Siddha system of medicine. Immuno-modulators in Siddha system of medicine, boosts the Child’s immunity. Therefore, frequent infections, which cause setbacks in the child’s progress, can be contained by medicines. For instance, Korosanai mathirai, a paediatric medicine in Siddha system has great effect in dealing with leaky gut syndrome, a key feature in Autism. Symptomatically it helps immensely in treating constipation, which is very common in kids with ASD. It’s that the whole vicious cycle of cognitive decline, which is seen in autism, which starts in the teen ages, can be helped in high order when gut- brain relationship in Autism is understood well. Siddha medicines play a huge role in establishing and strengthening gut-brain relationship. For aggression, a common symptom which is seen in adolescents with Autism, valuluvai ooral kudineer (decoction of Celastrus paniculatus) plays a clear role in calming them down. Symptomatic management can be best treated with siddha medicines without long lasting side effects.